Coventry's Cutest Canine Care

Understanding Your Dog's Personality

A Tail-Wagging Guide to Canine Temperaments

Woof there! Boomer here, your resident Pawsies personality expert. Today, I'm sharing my insider knowledge about understanding what makes us dogs tick. As Head of Hounds at Pawsies, I've met countless furry friends, and let me tell you - we're all as different as the treats in your treat jar!

Why Understanding Dog Temperaments Matters

Us dogs are like pawsome little puzzles. Some of us are social butterflies who never met a hooman we didn't like, while others prefer a quiet corner with our favourite toy.

Understanding these differences helps create the happiest possible life for both dogs and their hoomans.

The Big Five Doggy Personality Traits
(My hooman says these are scientifically proven, but I just call them "The Ways We Wag")

Reading Your Dog's Signals

We dogs are actually pretty good at telling you how we feel, if you know what to look for:

Tips for Working with Different Temperaments
(Or as I call it, "Making Every Dog's Tail Wag")

Finding the Right Match

Whether you're choosing a new family member or looking for a Pawsies playmate, understanding temperaments helps create perfect matches. That's why we always do meet-and-greets here at Pawsies - it's like doggy dating but with more tail wagging!


Every dog is unique, just like every hooman. The key is understanding and celebrating these differences rather than trying to change them. A confident dog isn't better than a shy one, and a calm dog isn't better than an energetic one - they're just different flavours of pawsome!

Tail wags and personality insights,


Head of Hounds at Pawsies
Certified Temperament Tester
Professional Friend Maker

P.S. To all hoomans reading this - watch how your dog interacts with others at the park. You'll learn so much about their personality! (And yes, treats still work on all temperaments...)

P.P.S. Remember, if you're looking for more tailored advice about your dog's temperament, the team at Pawsies is always here to help!

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